The month of “Don’t hate educate” project is behind us. In my opinion, this was a very important time for students and all school employees. The project was intended to make students aware that first and foremost we come to school to gain knowledge. All behaviors that interfere with or disrupt this process are undesirable. We have implemented a number of actions to encourage children to reflect on their behaviour. Starting with decoration of the school hall, this consisted, among other things, of balloons in red with insults. These were epithets that children use every day, for example: “You’re stupid”, “I don’t like you” – written in capital letters in a public place made a big impression on the students. We held a number of meetings with specialists from outside the school. We voted for the class which is perceived as the most friendly and cultural. Below is a summary of “Don’t hate educate” project.
- For the last month, students voted twice a week for schoolmates they consider friendly, cultural and worth following – grade IV won. As a reward, the School funded a class trip to the Museum of Illusion, and after returning, fourth-grade students will be celebrating at the afternoon tea of the Positive Masters in the school aula.
- Students created a chain of Good Thoughts by adding more links with positive slogans.
- Our guest was Gina Tremaglio, the only official European ambassador of the Kindness Rocks Project. In Ms. Gina’s summary, among other things, she wrote: “In Grades 4 and 5, students had fruitful discussions about the impact of small and big acts of kindness for others and for us. Grade 8 students also talked about the power of our words and wrote letters of kindness to people in their lives who have impacted them in positive ways. Our middle grades, 6 and 7, completed a gallery walk about bullying versus kindness and came to some profound conclusions.” Students found meetings with Ms. Gina very inspiring.
- “Child on the net” – workshops with Mr. Bolesław Michalski. The meeting was intended to make students aware of what online activity means and what are the consequences. For those of you who have participated in workshops for parents, I attach the “Manual of Good Cyber Practices”, provided by Mr. Bolesław Michalski.
- Mrs. Renata Juszczyńska – psychologist, psychotherapist – conducted workshops entitled “Leadership in the group”. Here the conclusions are very worrying and the areas to further work with children are very extensive. Let me quote an excerpt from the summary of the psychologist: “There is more than one student in each class who has no motivation to follow group rules to facilitate collaboration and teaching. At least 1/3 of students in each class see no point in learning. Only few students follow the principles of personal culture, e.g.: one child greets an adult with “good morning”; students turn their back to the teacher; students do not remain silent during lessons, use provocative behaviors such as interrupting the teacher’s statements, providing deliberately bad, ridiculous answers, ignoring the teacher’s commands.” As you see in these areas, we still have a lot to do. I remind you that the school’s key goal is education, therefore I call again for support for our personal culture activities for children, to respect the principles of coexistence in the school community and motivation to learn. In the spring term we will conduct a project with lectures and workshops motivating to learn.
- Lecture conducted by the Police Woman from the Department of Prevention for grades 6-8. During this meeting, students learned about the criminal liability of people at a young age. They were surprised by the fact that the 13-year-old is already responsible for his actions under Polish law, and contrary to the opinion of our students, a fine for parents does not solve the problem. We also discussed the issue of various types of stimulants and the presence in cyberspace in the context of legal liability for inappropriate or unauthorized use of the above.
We consider these four weeks of preventive and educational activities as very fruitful. Most of our students stopped and thought about things that escape unnoticed somewhere in daily lives, which was very positive.
From the summary of workshops and meetings with guests we already know how much work we should put in many areas. With the new semester of this school year, we will be repairing them consistently. Another action of the School will be equally extensive and supported by specialists a motivational program for our students.