Two teams from our school have taken part in the international Odyssey of the Mind contest for the third time. The team of grades 2-3 included: Krzyś, Jaśmina, Karolina, Kuba and Weronika. The team prepared a long-term problem “SEE YOU IN HIDING”. The students were tasked with creating a mechanical device, capable of merging into the environment in different ways. This creature was supposed to hide from the Seeker who tries to find them for some original reason. The team of grades 4-5 included Sara, Julia, Magdalena, Nela, Emilka, Szymon and Alex. The students faced the long-term problem “OMERESCUE TEAM” and built OmerMobil – a vehicle that allowed Omer’s team and the Helper to deal with three problems.

Both teams have been preparing for the contest for weeks. We congratulate the teams on their creativity, commitment and great team cooperation. Here’s how we remember this time.



Students of grades 2-3 also presented themselves in the 28th Final of the National Odyssey of Mind, which was held in Gdynia on March 30-31. The event was attended by 243 teams. The city was filled with young creative people. We are glad that we were able to get to know the contestants from other parts of Poland.


On Sunday, February 25, two teams from our school took part in this year’s regional preliminaries ODYSSEY OF THE MIND which took place in Warsaw. The first team consisted of students of grades two and three: Weronika, Mikołaj, Maks and Jeremi, Pola, Tomasz and Klara. The team solved the long-term problem “TALE-DOCUMENT – ALMOST THE TRUTH”. They created and played a humorous spectacle in which they presented the events known from the pages of classic novel “Anne of Green Gables” as a witty parody of the documentary. The second team included the students of grades four and five: Stefan, Wiktoria, Tosia, Lena, Zigi, Konrad and Witek. The team solved the long-term problem  “WHAT’S GOING ON WITH EMOJI?”. They prepared a story about a certain emoji icon – once famous, now forgotten. The show was enriched with choreography. Both teams also faced the spontaneous problem. The task was to find the most effective solution in a short time to the problem prepared by the judges. Both teams have been preparing for the contest for many months. We thank them for proud representation of our school in the contest, for their hard work and perfect team cooperation. Here’s how teams remember this year’s adventure with the ODYSSEY OF THE MIND.